The Greatest News

Albion Community Church

We want our Community to know our passion: Telling other's about Jesus Christ and what He has done for us. God's Word, the Bible contains a lot of information communicated to us from God Himself. Interwoven throughout all of the Bible is a continuous message. It's a message that is so simple a child may trust it and yet so deep that it impacts our lives daily as adults. What is it?

If you were to die tonight and stand before God what would be your defense for staying in His presence? Are you perfect? Have you accepted the perfect sacrifice of Jesus? Belief is nothing mystical nor does it require a special list of words that must be said to God. It is just a personal acknowledegement to God that you know you are a helpless sinner and you accept His Son's substitutionary death on your behalf... or simply put: You acknowledge to God that the only way you can stand in his presence is because you accept the Gift of Jesus' sacrifice.

If this is a new decision for you we would love to meet with you and help you grow in your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Please contact us so we can encourage you further.